This study will help
you to understand that there is a difference between body, soul, and spirit and
also that there is an important distinction between FORMED, MADE, and CREATED. We must draw this
distinction from God's Word if we are ever to rightly divide the Word
concerning these topics. We need to understand the meaning of certain phrases
or terms used in the Bible that are relevant to our topic. When God speaks of
the "natural man" as in I Corinthians 2: 14, we must understand that
this is a person who is of body and soul, NO SPIRIT. This person
is not a born-again Christian. The only way this person can learn anything is
by the five senses -- there is no spiritual connection with God.
I Corinthians
2: 14 -- But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for
they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
This man can BELIEVE to
be born again and then will have the spirit of God within. Faith (believing)
bridges the chasm between natural man and God. This was made available by what
Jesus Christ accomplished -- our redemption.
We draw conclusions and
make decisions based on information that we gather from a source or sources
outside of ourselves. This makes us believe what we believe. We have endless,
and often conflicting, opinions from men that we can believe, which results in
confusion, or we can believe the Word of God. We can accept the Word of God as
our center of reference for truth or we can accept a variety of men's
conflicting opinions. God gives us this choice.
To begin with, we must
understand a Scripture in Isaiah which speaks of the origin of man.
Isaiah 43: 7
– Even [For] every one that
is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him;
yea, I have made him.
God clearly states that
He has formed man; He has made man; He has created man. Are these three words synonymous? No,
they are not. God means what He says and says what He means. If He meant to say
created all the way through, it would have said created in all three places.
Now let's look at a similar and related example in Thessalonians.
Thessalonians 5: 23 -- And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I
pray God your whole spirit
and soul and body be preserved blameless unto [at] the coming of our
Lord Jesus Christ.
Are the three words
spirit, soul, and body synonymous? They are no more synonymous than the three
words created, formed, and made in Isaiah 43: 7. Body means body, soul means
soul, and spirit means spirit. We must now let the Word speak as to what is
formed, made and created and what is body, soul, and spirit. We must never
allow private interpretation [see I Peter 1: 20] to enter when studying God's
Word -- the Word of God
interprets itself.
It was in the beginning that man was formed, made and created. Let's look at
the first part of Genesis 2: 7.
Genesis 2: 7a
-- And the Lord God formed man of the
dust of the ground ...
The Hebrew word for
"formed" is yatsar
which means "to fashion out of something that is already in
existence." God formed man out of a substance which already existed, which
was dust. The word "man" is adam
which means "red earth". Our bodies are composed of the
same elements that are in the dust of the earth.
Genesis 3: 19
-- In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the
ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
The human body was
formed (yatsar) by God of the dust of the ground. There is a natural law
that states that everything must ultimately return to its original state.
Therefore, the body must return to dust. This refers to man and also to
3: 20 -- All go unto one place; all are of dust, and all turn to dust again.
Now let's examine the
word "soul" which is the Hebrew word "nepesh". The soul
in a man is that which gives the body its life, its vitality. Now let's
look at Genesis 2: 7 again with particular attention to the second part
of the verse.
Genesis 2: 7
-- And the Lord God formed man [man's body] of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his
nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
The phrase
"breathed into his nostrils" is the figure of speech condescension where God attributes human
characteristics to Himself. When God put life into Adam, He MADE man a living
SOUL. The word "made" in Hebrew is asah and means "a substance required of
which the thing made consists." The soul is simply that which
gives life to a person's body. The
soul has nothing to do with whether you are a born again Christian or not. As
long as a person breathes, he has a soul.
I Peter 3: 20
-- Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited
in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight
souls were saved by water.
During the great flood,
these eight souls were spared. Were they Christians? They couldn't be since
Christ had not yet come. Noah, his wife, their three sons and their wives were
eight alive souls.
Acts 27: 37
-- And we were in all in the ship two hundred threescore and sixteen souls.
Paul and Luke were
sailing to Rome on this ship and they were the only believers. But the record
says there were 276 souls on board. There were 276 "alive people" on
that ship including Paul and Luke. Remember, soul is that part which gives life
to the body. When people confuse soul and spirit, it
results in a great deal of difficulty. Some Eastern religions talk about the
immortality of the soul or the transmigration of the soul. These are erroneous
usages of words regarding subjects which are explained clearly in the Word of
Not only do men have a
soul, but every beast also has a living soul. This remains true while a man or
an animal is alive. Note that
the word "life" in the following verses is the same word as
Genesis 1:
30a -- And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to
every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life (soul), . . . . .
Genesis 1:
20a -- And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature
that hath life (soul), . . .
When an animal has soul
life, it has movement -- there is breath-life. In the following verses, the
word "creature" is the same word used for "soul".
Genesis 1:
21a -- And God created great whales, and every living creature (soul) . . . .
Genesis 1:
24a -- And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature (soul) . . .
The Church today is not
logical on this issue because they usually teach that the soul and spirit go
back to God. The soul simply perishes when a person takes their last breath.
The soul exists only when you are alive. The soul is that which gives you breath-life. Your soul-life
ceases to exist when you take your last breath and this is, of course, true for
animals as well.
Now we must delve into
this a little farther and ask the question: Where is the soul- life of man?
We must go to the Word.
Leviticus 17:
11a -- For the life of the flesh is
in the blood: . . . . .
Soul-life is in the
blood and it is passed on from generation to generation during the time of
fertilization, when the sperm impregnates the egg. A person can pass his
soul-life on to his progeny. But if a person has no offspring, his soul is
simply gone when he dies. There is nothing immortal about the soul just as
there isn't anything immortal about dust. We get our soul-life from our
predecessors and when we take our last breath, our soul-life is simply no more.
Now that we've studied
"formed" and "made", we must now study the Biblical usage
of the word "created". What part of man was created? The first usage
of "create" is in the following verse of Scripture.
Genesis 1: 1
-- In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
The literal meaning of
"to create" is "to bring something out of nothing" or
"to bring into existence something which never existed before." Many
teachers say that on the first day God created this and on the second day God
created something else, and so on. But this is not what the Word of God says.
In Genesis 1: 3, God said, "Let there be
light:". Why didn't He have to create it? Because He created
whatever was needed for light in the beginning when He created the heaven and
the earth. All that was ever needed was already created in Genesis 1: 1.
That is why all God needed to do was to "speak" other things into
existence. [See verses 6, 9, 11 and 14]
After God formed, made,
and created the earth and it's inhabitants (animals, fish, etc.), He came to
His culminating work -- man.
Genesis 1: 27
-- So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
God had already formed
and made man -- he already had a body and soul. So what was God doing here when
He created man in His own image? What is the image of God?
John 4: 24a
-- God is a Spirit: . . . .
God created within man
spirit, His image. Man now became body,
soul, and spirit.
Now God had a companion. The spirit part of man makes it possible for God to
talk to man and for man to communicate with God. This gave them fellowship. So
now we know from Isaiah and Thessalonians, that man was formed, made, and
created and that he was body, soul, and spirit. Whenever scientists talk about
creating life, this is a misnomer. Man may rediscover, revamp, reorganize,
etc., but man cannot create. He cannot bring something into existence
which did not previously exist. Man must always start with some substance so he
is NOT creating. Only God can
Keep in mind that when
Adam and Eve sinned, they lost their spiritual connection with God. They received
the spirit upon a condition -- that they would not disobey God, but they did.
They became body and soul and everyone born into this world today is a body and
soul person. Jesus Christ made it available for us to be born again of God's
spirit by confessing Romans 10: 9, 10. Because
of Adam, we lost our spiritual connection with God, but by the death and
resurrection of Jesus Christ we are able to reclaim that connection.
Man, as he was
originally put together, surpasses the animal realm because he not only has
body and soul, but also spirit. It is the spirit which sets man apart from the
rest of creation. Because it is available for man to have spirit, God can
communicate with His masterpiece.
Ephesians 2:
22 -- In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through [in] the Spirit.
What a tremendous
subject this is from God's perfect Word. There is no confusion once we research
the Word of God for truth, only clearness of understanding and peace of mind.
Only the truth of God's Word sets a man or a woman free.
In The Beginning:
God formed the body of man.
God made the soul of man.
God created the spirit in man.